Connecting Pleo to DATEV (Part 1)
Setting up accounts in DATEV (Part 2)
Set up the DATEV Unternehmen online integration (Part 3)
What to do if you see the message “You need to update to the newest version of DATEV Unternehmen Online.”
Set up DATEV Unternehmen Online to support Pleo Invoices
What to do if you see the message “You need to create the current fiscal year in DATEV”
What to do if you see the message “The user does not have any clients. It is recommended that the user contact the tax consultant.”
What to do if you see the message “Fiscal year with Accounts Payable Ledger was not configured in Datev for exported invoices.”
What to do if you see a message about a "invalid auth code", "access to resource (...) denied", or "500 Error"
What to do if you see the message "Transition account number (Reimbursements) is missing for expense"
What to do if you see the message “Export to journal could not be performed”
What to do if you see the message "Something went wrong. Please contact administrator"
What to do if you see the message “The job-id is invalid because the corresponding data transfer job (…) is already finalized."
What to do if you see a message about an "Intruder alert"
What to do if you see the message “Failed to generate Ledger Import Xml (...) accountNo”
What to do if you see the message “Failed to generate Ledger (…) buCode”
What to do if you see the message “The client is not configured for the requested data transfer (dxso-job)”
What to do if you see the message "contra account number is missing for expense"
What to do if you see the message "Failed to created Datev export job (...) Reason: Fiscal year"
What to do if you see the message "Expense isn't processed due to a critical error"
What to do if you see the message “before the date of the opening balance” (German: Vor dem Datum…)
What to do if you see the message “a negative account balance occurred” (German: Es ist ein Kassenminusbestand aufgetreten)
How to associate a new tag group with cost centres (KOST1 and KOST2) in DATEV Unternehmen online
DATEV Unternehmen online: account for Invoice payments
What to do if you see the message “the account was not found” (German: Belegkreis im Kassenbuch nicht gefunden)
CSV export file for DATEV Kanzlei Rechnungswesen
Set-up Reimbursements for DATEV Unternehmen online